Safe Roads for All
Safe Roads for All
13 November 2022
Brake's biggest road safety campaign
Every year, thousands of schools, organisations and communities get involved to shout out for our right to make safe and healthy journeys every day.
The theme of Road Safety Week 2022 is SAFE ROADS FOR ALL - Get involved!

Monday | MOVE
Ditch the car and walk or cycle to work. Reduce traffic. Make streets nicer and reduce pollution.
- Get information from the Brake website about the benefits of cycling and about cycling for work
- Share information about cycle incentive schemes for employees.
Tuesday | TEACH
Get your team together to learn about the importance of managing road risk. Driving for work is one of the most dangerous things you ask your employees to do. Run targeted training for drivers who show unsafe driving behaviours.
- Use our online driver training programme to help your drivers understand six key areas of road risk.
- Take part in our simple survey to tell us how much you know about changes made to the Highway Code to protect people who walk and ride. Click here to take the survey.
- Sign up to Brake's Global Fleet Champions campaign for free resources to help you manage road risk.
Wednesday | WATCH
Watch your speed. Watch your stopping distance.
At higher speeds a driver has less time to react to a hazard on the road. A vehicle can travel a long way in the few seconds it takes a driver to notice and react to any danger. Slowing down gives the driver more time to avoid a crash.
- Learn about why speed matters for safe and healthy journeys using information on the Brake website. Focus on stopping distances, speed limits and the link between speed and risk of injury.
- Remind drivers to think about who they share the road with and always drive at speeds appropriate to the road conditions
Thursday | THINK
We share the road with people who have differing needs and abilities.
Pedestrians, cyclists, and riders are vulnerable on roads and account for half of all road traffic deaths worldwide.
- Run an ‘exchanging places’ day to help drivers understand the needs of other road users. These programmes also help people who walk and ride better understand how to be safe around large vehicles. Participants are invited to sit in the cab of a lorry so they can see where the mirrors and cameras are located, helping them to see where cyclists and pedestrians are visible to a driver.
- Make a commitment to put safety first when you schedule journeys, and avoid places where people walk and ride.
Friday | FUTURE
Imagine a future where no one is killed or hurt on a road.
With new technology, better road design and more road safety awareness, this is possible.
- Use information from the Brake website to learn about the Safe System approach to road safety
- Watch Safe systems is child’s play - a short film for all ages that explains how the design of cities and towns, roads, public transport systems and vehicles can enable everyone to make safe and healthy journeys. Click here to watch the film (opens in YouTube)
- Celebrate with your team how you are investing in new technology that helps prevent road death and injury – telematics, safer vehicles.
Saturday | SAVE
Crash not accident! Changing our language will help save lives.
5 people die every day on UK roads – these are not accidents. Road deaths and injuries have causes that can be prevented and we can all play our part to help, by using roads safely to protect ourselves and others and by calling for change to make roads safe for all.
- Help colleagues, clients and drivers understand how you are managing your risk and helping to stop the carnage
Sunday | Support
Today we remember people killed or seriously injured on UK roads.
Sunday 20 November is the World Day of Remembrance for Road Victims.
- Light a candle in memory of a loved one
Brake supports hundreds of families affected by road death and injury every year through its National Road Victim Service.
We need your help to do more.
- Fundraise for Brake during Road Safety Week
- Text BRAKE [plus the amount you want to donate] to 70085. For example, to donate £3, text BRAKE3 to 70085
- Make a donation of any amount

Find out about changes to the Highway Code
In January 2022 new rules were added to the Highway Code to give greater protection to the most vulnerable people on our roads.
How much do you know about the changes?
Take part in Brake's survey.